New medicines and technologies are needed because outbreaks, pandemics and epidemics are becoming a recurring reality rather than isolated events. COVID-19 and its variants have been a wake up call for urgent need for better, safer, and proven antiviral medicines. The devastating impact of pandemics are a strong call for inventive approaches to be prepared for future ones.
Current global response has been reactive rather than proactive; better yet it needs to be preventative. The solutions lie in the breakthrough science guided by scientific ingenuity, process innovation, and experiential instinct that lead to new transformational results.
Whether sporadic, seasonal, or constant, infectious disease is pervasive globally. Every year the number of cases, conditions, and respiratory related deaths steadily climb with no real answers in sight. New strategies are being tried by global agencies, new vaccinations are produced by companies, and new R&D is being conducted regularly. But there is still a huge unmet and underserviced set of needs.